What is the bump bump bump technique?

August 2024 · 5 minute read
The “bump, bump, bump” technique involves only steering and doesn't require any braking or acceleration whatsoever. This technique will move your vehicle one lane over, quickly and safely. Start with your hands at the nine and three position on the steering wheel.

How much does the death of one employee costs an employer?

The average cost per worker death was $1.15 million, while the average cost per medically consulted injury was $39,000. Approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers annually, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Which of the following senses is not used while driving?

The best apparatus operators combine sight, hearing, smell, and touch (with any luck taste is not relevant to driving) to gather data as they drive and operate.

What is defensive driving answer?

Defensive Driving is essentially driving in a manner that utilizes safe driving strategies to enables motorists to address identified hazards in a predictable manner. These strategies go well beyond instruction on basic traffic laws and procedures.

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

The three Keys of defensive driving are as follows: Safety First at all times. The most basic element of it all is: to be Courteous or simply be a nice person. Proper maintenance of your vehicle.

The Bump and Run Technique with T.J. Ward

What is a stale green light?

A Stale Green Light is:

Any light that is green when first encountered. • Any green light that has been green for an extended time and confidence is low that it will remain green.

Who falls asleep most while driving?

Who's more likely to drive drowsy? Drivers who do not get enough sleep. Commercial drivers who operate vehicles such as tow trucks, tractor trailers, and buses. Shift workers who are people that work the night shift or long shifts.

What most often distracts older drivers?

The most common distracted driving behaviors among older drivers (more than 65) are talk on the phone (hands-free), using GPS and eating and drinking.

Which sense is most critical to safe driving?

Other than taste, the senses are important to help drivers stay safe on the road. Sight is obviously crucial to driving, helping you see the road, hazards, signs, and signals.

When you approach a school bus with red signal lights flashing that is stopped on the opposite side of a median you must?

You must stop for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing whether it is on your side of the road, the opposite side of the road, or at an intersection you are approaching. You are not required to stop if the bus is traveling towards you and a median or other physical barrier separates the roadway.

What distance is required to stop a train at 50 mph?

Some think trains can stop to avoid a collision. In reality a train traveling 50 mph would take a mile and a half to come to a stop.

What is a traffic signal that has been green for some time?

A traffic signal that has been green for some time is a stale green light.

How do Lamborghinis go over speed bumps?

Modern supercars, such as Lamborghinis, can easily go over speedbumps using their front-axle lift system. This feature can lift the front suspension, and thus the front bumper, at the push of a button.

What do speed bumps do to your car?

Some of the most common problems include the misalignment of the wheels and damage to the steering rack mounts. Hitting speed bumps can also cause the power steering to leak its fluid. If you continue driving, you may harm every other system in the car, including the infotainment and air conditioning.

What age group is the safest drivers?

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the safest drivers are in the age group between 64 and 69 years old.

Do you have to renew your driving Licence at 75?

Driving licences expire at 70 years of age, so when you reach 70, you need to renew your driving licence if you wish to continue driving. You then need to renew it every three years afterwards.

Should you brake while hydroplaning?

Never use your brakes to respond to hydroplaning. Sudden braking on a wet roadway can cause your car to skid completely out of control. Although it may seem contradictory, gently turn your steering wheel in the direction your car is hydroplaning.

What does IPDE stand for?

We use the IPDE (Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute) approach to driving to deal with potential and real hazards.

Why shouldn't you start a road trip late in the night?

Why shouldn't you start a road trip late in the night? You'll be more fatigued the later it gets.

Why should you drive slower at night?

Drive slower

One of the main reasons why you should drive slower at night is because of slower reaction times. With limited visibility, reacting to hazards, traffic signs, and other vehicles takes longer. By driving slower, you'll have more time to make the appropriate actions when necessary.

What is a yellow light?

YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop, if you can do so safely. If you can't stop, look out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.

What does a flashing red light mean?

Flashing Signals

A flashing red light has the same meaning as a STOP sign. You must come to a complete stop. Then, look both ways, and proceed only after the intersection is clear.

What is a Velocitation?

The phenomena of “velocitation” is a tendency to gradually accelerate without noticing or perceiving the actual speed you are driving, because you are adjusting to the other vehicles around you instead of actually monitoring your speedometer.
