Seven Disney Characters You Are Sure To Find At Your Table This Thanksgiving

August 2024 · 6 minute read

In just a couple of very short weeks, most of us  will be sitting down in our loved ones’ dining or living rooms, gathered around the table to give thanks for all that the year has bestowed upon us. Many of us even celebrate ‘Friendsgiving’ (my personal favorite!) to observe the family you have chosen. The year is coming to an end and whether you are thankful for that fact alone (haha!) or you are thankful for health and family, one thing is constant: the eclectic folks you are sharing the stuffing with (or dressin’, here in the south!) are sure to have you in stitches, awe, or embarrassment..or maybe even all of the above!

It is no secret that Disney draws us in  by the complex yet relatable characters and the family dynamic of their stories that is ‘so us’. Friends or family, coworkers or even those six degrees from Kevin Bacon folks you’ll be spending your holiday with, here are a few Disney, Pixar, Star Wars and Marvel characters you are sure to find at your table this Thanksgiving.


Rocket Raccoon is  your cousin (most likely by marriage) who has been ‘detained’ for 3-12 months. If you ask him, he’s been doing the Eat Pray Love thing – meditating and finding himself. If you ask cousin Fran who starts every sentence with ‘you know I hate to gossip, but..’ you’ll discover the less savory, court appointed version. But even if cousin Rocket is a little rough around the edges and you have to keep all of your valuables under lock and key (including your locks and keys!) it is kind of cool to have a ragtag renegade at the table to spin tales of mischief and adventure! Not to mention trash pandas eat literally anything and someone has to take one for the team when it comes to grandmas dry as the Sahara dressin’…

Ralph is your brother or brother-in-law. He is misunderstood, a bit of a loner or maybe even the black sheep of the family. He may not have finished college or has unconventional, maybe even under respected means of employment. He has a rough exterior and poor table manners, the proverbial bull in a china shop. But If you’re not careful, you may end up saying something to him at the table that could unknowingly hurt his feelings – he’s just a big ol’ teddy bear! But underneath the rough and tough facade, he’d give you the shirt off his back; or in this case, the last spray of Reddi Wip for your pumpkin or pecan pie because that’s just who Ralph is, deep down inside. He grumbles but gives the best hugs!

Kermy is the dad at the table. I mean, was there any question? Miss Piggy (Mom, of course!) may be busy in the kitchen with the sides, but Dad has been basting that 26 pound bird all day! And you won’t get the first bite past your pie hole without an inquisitive ‘how’s it taste? Not too dry is it?’ Kermit the dad is also just trying to keep the peace. While Robin Frog may have gone off and joined the peace corps, sister Ang is learning what life’s all about with her first ‘big girl’ job out of school just barely keeps the lights on-they both know everything about life and feathers are bound to fly! After deeming all ‘hot button’ topics off limits, Kermit the dad kicks his feet up on the ottoman to watch the big game and reminisce about the days he could threaten to turn the car around. 

Boba Fett is your war decorated uncle who just completed his fifth tour of duty and is more than happy to go back into the trenches if his country calls on him. Even the most rebellious of kids at the table sit up a little straighter and at the very least mumble a meek ‘yes sir’ when addressed by uncle Boba Fett. He wants to know about your plans for the future and he wants answers that are direct and to the point. He hasn’t eaten a carb since 2009, but Granny and Mimi are so proud to have him in the family, they aren’t even offended when their sweet potato pie and various other starches don’t grace his plate. He is what you would call the quiet type and follows orders without blinking an eye, quite literally! But you have to wonder, is uncle Fett really that loyal, or is he simply replicating his father…?

Elsa is your sister. She is intimidatingly beautiful, has a PhD (or rules a small country…) and still only gets asked about her love life by everyone at the table. While she may hold her tongue during such pointless inquisition, her eyes roll back in her head every time. She may give you a hard time (she is your sister, after all) but nobody else is allowed to give you grief of any kind. She can be cold at times (get it?) but she has your back. Just make sure she doesn’t carve the turkey – Kermit the Dad spent all day getting that bird to 165 degrees! 

Tiana is the ‘cool aunt’. She is pretty much the epitome of everything you want to be- a business owner,  great cook, with enough empathy and intelligence to go around! You could listen to her stories of entrepreneurship and what it’s like running a restaurant in one of the most historical cities in the country for hours. Not to mention all the pro tips on how to nab a prince. She really does have it all! And while it may not be traditional for Thanksgiving, her assigned side dish is always her famous beignets!

Dory is the wacky Aunt. We all know the one. The pinch your cheeks, “I haven’t seen you since you were yay high to a grasshopper,” Aunt. She is forgetful, gracious, lovable, and at times, downright annoying…but you love her all the same. Aunt Dory will follow you around asking you the same series of questions over and over again and continuously call your husband of seven years by your high school sweethearts name. Although you know she means well, you find yourself avoiding eye contact and excusing yourself from awkward conversations. And make sure you find a way to identify which pumpkin pie she brought, chances are she mixed up the salt and sugar again.

The people we spend the holidays with make them what they are, and with the same sentiment, the friends and family we share our time with make us who we are. We can gripe and complain all we want about our often thought of obligatory yearly trek to the Thanksgiving table, but the fact of the matter is we are choosing to give our time to our quirky loved ones. One of the most beloved things about the influence of Disney in our lives is its ability to reach in and grab us in a way no other franchise can. It’s hard to watch a Disney, Marvel, Star Wars or Pixar film without the internal thought ‘that’s just like aunt so and so’ or even ‘that’s just like me!’ So wherever this day of thanks and light takes you this year, be sure to appreciate all of the unique and lovable Disney characters at your table, and make those memories that will last a lifetime.  

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