How Many Apartments In NYC Have Roaches

January 2024 ยท 3 minute read
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The Great NYC Roach Census: Are You Sharing Your Apartment with Uninvited Guests?

Ah, New York City. The city that never sleeps... unless you hear the skittering of tiny legs at 3 am and realize you're not alone. Yes, we're talking about those unwelcome roommates - the infamous NYC roach. But just how widespread is this eight-legged phenomenon? Buckle up, because we're diving deep (or should we say, shallow, because that's where roaches like to hang out) into the roach-infested underbelly of the Big Apple.

Roach or Not to Roach, That is the Question

Let's face it, folks, roaches in NYC are about as common as overpriced lattes. A survey by M&M Pest Control (not sponsored by M&M's, thankfully) suggests that one in six New Yorkers share their digs with these creepy crawlies. That's a whole lot of "hello" greetings you might not be expecting.

Now, before you pack your bags and flee to roach-free utopia (which, let's be honest, probably doesn't exist), there's a glimmer of hope. Not all apartments are created equal when it comes to roach real estate. Fancy high-rises with doormen who look like they could bench press a refrigerator? They might have better pest control (and fancier roaches, but that's a whole other story). Live-in supers who keep the building spotless? Roaches might think twice about crashing that party.

The Roach Report: Where Be Thy Exoskeletons?

So, what are the roach hotspots? Brace yourselves, because this might hit a little close to home (literally, if you have a roach problem). Basements and ground floor apartments are prime territory for these unwanted guests. Why? Easy access to the great outdoors (which, for a roach, means the garbage room) and plenty of moisture to keep them happy. Even higher floors aren't completely safe, especially if you have lovely neighbors who, ahem, aren't the tidiest bunch.

The good news? There are ways to fight back! Become a master of crumb control, seal up any cracks in your walls, and invest in some good ol' fashioned roach traps (just be prepared for some late-night Olympic-level roach racing).

The Bottom Line: Coexisting with Cockroaches

Let's be real. Unless you live in a penthouse with a personal army of exterminators, there's a chance you might encounter a roach at some point. But don't despair! With a little vigilance and maybe a healthy dose of humor (because honestly, what else can you do?), you can share your NYC apartment without feeling totally overrun. Remember, roaches have been around since the dinosaurs. A little human can't scare them away that easily. But hey, at least you'll have a good story to tell at your next overpriced brunch.

