Can You Visit The Set Of Chicago Fire

April 2024 · 3 minute read
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So You Wanna Hang with Mouch and Herrmann? Infiltrating the Set of Chicago Fire (Probably Not)

Ah, Chicago Fire. The show that makes you yell at the screen "Don't go into that burning building, Casey!" while simultaneously questioning your own life choices for finding firemen so darn attractive. But have you ever dreamt of going beyond the flickering glow of your TV and becoming an honorary member of Firehouse 51? Like, maybe swapping spicy banter with Mouch or Herrmann while Kelly Severide teaches you the finer points of axe-throwing?

Well, buckle up, because reality is about to hit you harder than a surprise hose drill.

The Truth Laid Bare (and Burning)

Here's the not-so-steamy tea: visiting the set of Chicago Fire is about as likely as Casey getting a promotion without some near-death experience. Filming sets are closed to the public for a reason. It's a workplace, folks! Imagine trying to film a dramatic rescue scene with tourists asking selfies with Sylvie Brett mid-CPR. Not exactly the vibe they're going for.

But Don't Despair, Firefighter Fanatic!

Now, hold on to your fire gear. There are still ways to feel the heat (without actually getting burned).

Remember: While you might not be dodging flames with Severide on set, being a Chicago Fire fan is all about the passion. So rewatch your favorite episodes, crank up the Chicago Fire theme song, and maybe pretend to put out a fire with a rolled-up magazine. Just don't blame me if your significant other gives you a side-eye.

