Hogwarts Legacy lets you explore the wizarding world and make a name for yourself in the Hogwarts School Witchcraft and Wizardry. The game has a massive world that is filled with all kinds of activities for players to dive into. It is also packed with all kinds of enemies they might tackle, and that includes the Infamous Foes. The Infamous Foes are really strong and deadly enemies you can meet while on your magical journey. Defeating them will give you some valuable loot as well as help in upgrading your character. Here is how you can find every Infamous Foe in the game.
Related: Full main quest list for Hogwarts Legacy – All main story quests listed
How to find every Infamous Foe in Hogwarts Legacy
There are 21 Infamous Foes in the game. Some can be found only in side quests while others you can stumble upon in the open world.
Infamous Foe | Location |
Rampant Dugbog | South of the East North Ford Bog Foo Flame in Hogsmeade Valley, inside a cave |
Tempeste Thorne | East of Farlbalton Castle in Hogsmeade Valley |
Gwendolyn Zhou | In the Hogs Head Pub in Hogsmeade during the side quest ‘A Basis for Blackmail’ |
Pergrit | In the Korrow Ruins in North Hogwarts during the side quest ‘The Tale of Rowland Oakes‘ |
The Insatiable Spider | In Aranshire in North Hogwarts during the side quest ‘Tangled Web’ |
Belgruff the Bludgeoner | Inside the Rookwood Castle in Feldcroft |
Catrin Haggarty | In a small bandit camp in Feldcroft during the side quest ‘The Lost Child’ |
The Grim | South of the West Hogwarts Floo Flame, in a cave that has an entrance covered by shrubbery |
The White Wolf | Same location as The Grim. South of the West Hogwarts Floo Flame, in a cave that has an entrance covered by shrubbery |
Quagmire Troll | Northeast of the Northern South Sea Bog Foo Flame |
The Riparian Troll | In the Dale Family Tomb in Hogwarts Valley during the side quest ‘Beeting a Curse‘ |
Ogbert the Odd | In a cave in the Coastal caverns, northeast of the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame in Poidsear Coast |
Iona Morgan | In Posidear Castle in Poisdear Coast |
Grodbik | In the coastal mine at Marunweem Lake during the quest ‘Lodgok’s Loyalty’ |
Ailsa Travers | Northeast of West Manor Cape |
Lord of the Manor | Northeast of West Manor Cape |
Dunstan Trinity | In Henrietta’s Hideaway in West Manor Keep |
Alexandra’s Troll | South of Brocburrow in Hogwarts Valley during the side quest ‘Troll Control‘ |
The Absconder | In the Forbidden Forest during the side quest ‘Absconder Encounter‘ |
Bardolph Beaumont’s Corpse | In Hogsmeade Valley during the side quest ‘Brothers Keeper‘ |
Silvanus Selwyn | Inside Clagmar Castle in Clagmar Coast |
About the author

Samam Hasan
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